Congratulations! You are one of the special few to read The MLM Rebels Blueprint:

These Hidden Loopholes Allow Me To Show My Presentation To 381+ People Per Week, Recruit 30+ People Per Month (Not Including Depth) And Make Up To $1000 Per New Recruit Without Bothering Friends Or Family, Spamming Facebook Having Or Any Tech / Marketing Knowledge. Here’s How:

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From: Zach Spear

Bali, Indonesia

Dear Friend,

I mean no disrespect, but network marketing as we were sold, is dead…

Calling friends, parents, kids, and relatives…

Posting pictures of our “lifestyle” or products hoping someone will comment…

Adding everyone we know into an “ATM” group…

Or cold contacting strangers and buying lists… (1980 wants their strategies back)

All for what?

To sell a single product or to get someone “in.”

Only to make a measly commission from their business until they quit.

My question is:

Do real businesses do any of those things?

Do REAL businesses post and pray online, spear chuck mom and dad to buy some nifty vitamins or stalk people at gas stations?

No. So why do all network marketing gurus and upline preach this stuff when NO other business model on the planet utilizes these strategies AND less than .001% of the MLM population can get results doing it?

Now before you think this is a gloom and doom letter, it’s not. This is a letter that will completely revolutionize the way you see the industry, your business and your future, forever…

But before the rebirth of a dream, there must come a death.

And thankfully, we don’t have to kill anything. It’s already dead.

The dream of achieving financial freedom using anything remotely close to traditional methods to build MLM is dead. (More on that soon.)

And by now, you clearly know that I believe in MLM. I believe in the power of a dream, and I believe anyone with the right formula and some grit can succeed in this industry.

In fact, using the tools we have today, with the right combination, I believe you can succeed faster than you thought…

Over the next few pages, I’m going to reveal the sets of tools our team uses to recruit 30+ people per month EACH, make money UP FRONT when someone gets on their team (so if they quit tomorrow, it’s ok) and they how show their presentation to literally unlimited people with ZERO rejection without speaking to a soul…

Here’s a text from one of our clients…


He had just enrolled his 23rd person for that month PERSONALLY (not including his depth of 50,000+)

Quick question: How many months do you need to put 30 people on your team before you quit your job, hit the next rank or smash the next goal?

My guess is it’s not too many…

Especially when you’re not even counting the productivity of your team…

See, my goal for this letter is to show you that the only way to succeed in MLM is to get paid up front to recruit online with leverage, CREATE your opportunity and automate your downline. And that the only way to do that by thinking much, much differently…

Now before you scroll an inch further, before I share the strategies that have changed our lives forever, you must agree to the following:

First - What I’m about to share with you could potentially help you become more financially successful than anyone you know, both in or out of the industry. IF that happens, you MUST promise not to lord your success over another human being. Money doesn’t make you better or worse, it just magnifies who you are. If you're selfish and angry, you’ll just be a more selfish, angry individual. If you’re happy and generous, you’ll become a more magnified, generous human being.

Second - You must be a current network marketer OR someone who’s always wanted the results of network marketing but never wanted to do the ineffective and dumb strategies you were told you needed to in order to succeed. If you don’t fall into one of these camps, this letter is not for you.

Third - You must understand that success IS NOT get rich quick and there are no guarantees in life. Contrary to what the last internet guru said… there is no such thing. What I will reveal to you today can help you achieve insane growth for you and your team…

IF you apply it. IF you realize that there are no legitimate strategies that allow you to sit on a carpet and slide uphill. This strategy takes WORK. But at least it does work.

IF you do not agree to those terms for any reason, DO NOT keep scrolling, do not read another word, this is NOT for you.

IF you agree to the terms, I want you to read every last word of these pages, because it’s entirely possible you’re destined for success, you’ve just been stuck in a broken system.

After all, that’s what happened to me…

On our website, Zach Spear, Spear Media LLC, and their agents, sponsors, affiliates etc. have made certain representations regarding earnings and income. These representations are made only to inspire and inform and will generally not be typical barring years of experience and work. Everyone's results will vary and we cannot guarantee anyone's results. We do our best, however, to ensure that you will be successful and we invite you to let us know how we can improve in that regard.

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